If you are on this page, you are probably better then most visitors.

But still not good enough to see this.

Why to use the Exocom Library.

Pay attention faggots cisscum, this shit's important.

why[hwahy, wahy]: for what? for what reason, cause, or purpose? "Why did you upload CP?"

Why would you want to use The Exocom Library? Do you have something really rad? Then you can/should upload it if it complies with the "What" page on content.

Why shouldn't you upload something? Is it to hurt/harm someone? To make me look more like an ass? To waste precious disk space? Then no. Especially because I am so lenient with you fuckers.

Exocom endorses not being a faggot.

Anything uploaded is the responsibility of the uploader.
IP addresses are logged and deviant posters will be delt with extreme prejudice.
Copyright 2012 Exocom